The night you were born │ A Birth Story │Winnipeg Birth Photographer

June 10, 2016  •  2 Comments

Dear baby F,

I will always remember the night you were born! It was Mother's Day. I had spent an amazing day with my family and was about to curl up on the couch with my husband for the evening when I got a message from your mama. She told me her waters broke and that you were coming! I had been waiting for this day for a while you see, as your mama's body had been preparing for your arrival for a few weeks already. You were ready. Your Mom was ready. I was ready! 

When I arrived at your home, your mama was wrapped up in her surges and working hard to bring you earthside. She was so calm and incredible. Your Midwives, Aunts, your Dad, and your mama's Doula were so supportive of her while she laboured with you. It was beautiful to witness the love in that room. I hope that one day you can look back on these images and feel how much love filled the air on the night you were born.  I bet your big brother could sense the love and calm support in your home as well that night, as he peacefully slept upstairs while you made your journey to your Mama's arms.

Just before 11pm, you came into the world. Into the eager waiting arms of your family. On Mother's Day. You were one of the best Mother's Day gifts anyone could have asked for and I am so grateful I can share these memories with you and your family. 

Welcome to the world sweet boy. I look forward to watching you grow.

With love,

Your birth photographer.



So beautiful!!!!
Monica Audette(non-registered)
Alicia, oh my goodness! Thank you once again. These photos are so beautiful and I am so happy we have them to cherish forever. ❤
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