Dear Livvy │ a birth-day story │ Winnipeg Birth Photographer │ aliciaTphoto

March 09, 2017  •  6 Comments

A Winnipeg Birth Story

Dear Alivia,

I remember when your momma got in touch with me. I remember thinking how honoured I felt, not only to be asked to document such a momentous occasion, but to be trusted by fellow photographers to do so. I had many chats with your parents leading up to your big day about all things birth, as well as adjusting to life with 2 kiddos, and of course geeking out a bit with the photography talk. Your mom and dad were SO excited to meet you.

Your mom was in pre-labour for weeks. At least it felt like weeks to me.... It probably felt much longer for her. Your big brother came early so I'm pretty sure she was convinced you would come early too. I think we were all hoping that you would be here before Christmas, but as with all the best things in life, they come when they're good and ready. And so we waited. And oh sweet girl, you were worth the wait. 

When your birth day finally came around, after a couple of false starts, I had been talking to your mama earlier in the day, just asking her how she was feeling and seeing where things were at. My usual check in every day or 2. She was telling me about her Dr appointment earlier that morning, and the most fabulous nap she'd had afterwards. We were both just settling into bed around 11pm and I got the message that her waters broke. It was go time, so I grabbed my gear and hit the road! 

A couple of stops later (a cup and straw for your mama and a coffee for me and your Daddy) and I arrived at the hospital. It was about 12:30 and your mama was still in triage, with your dad and her doula. I hung out in the lounge while your mom laboured with you in triage, waiting to be moved to a room. I wasn't allowed back there, but from what your Dad and doula told me, your mom was rocking it.

Shortly after 1am into a room we went. The room your mom and dad would get to meet you in. Your mama was labouring beautifully. She was so incredibly calm and strong as she worked through her surges, and your dad was never far away. I'll let the photos tell the rest...

At 3:23am, on Thursday December 29th you were welcomed earthside. All 7lbs 4oz of you. You were born into a room filled with love, strength and support. You were absolutely perfect. I think you felt the love because you were so calm and alert. Your beautiful wide eyes were taking it all in. One of the things about your birth story that sticks out most in my memory came after you were born. I was quietly observing your mom and dad, and your Daddy looked at you, then right at your mom and said "Wow. That was just as amazing as last time. You were amazing". He was filled with such awe and pride and incredible love for you both. It took my breath away. 

I hope that one day you can look back on your birth story and see how much you are loved, and see how much love has surrounded you from the very beginning. I am very much looking forward to watching you grow!

With love, your birth photographer. 



virginia novak(non-registered)
what a beautiful captured a lot of the love in the room....the pictures are little great grand daughter is very photogenic...great job
Sannetta Marsh(non-registered)
Oh wow, these are perfect! My fav was the pouty poochy lip one! Omg! What treasures these must be for her and her family!
Beautiful birth story! Loving the shots of daddy processing everything, wiping his tears.... GORGEOUS baby... congrats to the family.
Norma Hess(non-registered)
Beautiful story! I love that shot with baby staring right at your camera~ <3
Sophia Costa(non-registered)
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