Finding the Life │ Volume 3 │ aliciaTphoto │ Winnipeg family Photojournalist

April 02, 2017  •  1 Comment

A Day in the life of a Winnipeg Family Photographer

Finding the Life │ Volume 3

So here we are.... it's April as I'm writing this, and I barely squeaked in my personal Day in the Life session for March... I had all these grand plans to borrow my dad's 1970's film camera and brush up on my actual film shooting capabilities since I'm pretty sure it's been half a decade since I last shot a roll of film... but alas life happens and things rarely go according to plan.... my poor big guy was sick for a good chunk of the month, plus the weather was sloppy and melty and messy. But there's always next month. I'm saying out loud that this is my eventual plan, so that you all (and myself) hold me accountable lol.

We are enjoying the last few weekends we have with Daddy still around. His phone is already going near non stop with people asking to book their pool openings with him... (hey Winnipeg, it's barely April remember. You're not supposed to take my husband from me until at least the end of this month). Anyhow, it was a fairly typical spring day.... but it started with my dear husband letting me sleep in..... (did I mention I love him??)

And the usual weekend morning cartoons in the hopes that Mom & Dad can drink at least their first coffee of the day while it's still hot.

A little someone decided to raid the fridge while Daddy and I were enjoying our coffee..... so we decided instead of wasting the egg, it would be a french toast kind of morning.

After breakfast, the wild things decided to do what wild things do best, so we deemed it necessary to get them outside for as much time as possible.

Waiting for everyone to be ready is hard......

Walks also take FOREVER because this guy must stop and stomp in Every. Single. Puddle. For the entire walk....

And pick up and show you every rock he finds along the way. I regularly find them in the bottom of my washing machine if I make the mistake of forgetting to check pockets before starting load number 7'346 of this week.

Then it was time to head in to put some tunes on, make lunch, and warm up.

Apparently this one was a) unenthused by having to come inside or b) not a fan of big brothers music selection

Even with your dissatisfaction with brothers taste in music, when Daddy asks if you want to play dinosaurs with him, you dry your eyes and find your dino.

Lunch is followed by more music, and a quick inventory of our crawlspace before free giveaway weekend.... (for those of you not from Winnipeg, twice a year we have a giveaway weekend, where you put unwanted/unused furniture and household items on the curb, and people come take what ever they want.... works for me) Also, I have no clue how we ended up with so much stuff... no, I do know. We had a bunch from our old house that didn't work in this house, and the previous owners of our current house left most of their furniture behind... I'm honestly excited to purge a lot of it.

Old relics were also resurrected from their banishment to the crawlspace!

and then it was nap time. and grown-up beverage/editing time for me... (it was post noon, don't judge me :P )

and since the sun was still shining and it was a beautiful day, back outside we went until dinner time.

My little is always saying "hannn mama. hannn mama. i gattchew. we go" (Q speak for, hand mama, I got you. Let's go)

picking moss out of the patio to take inside and look at under his microscope.


We had just enough time to finish our burgers before it was time for jammies and a Skype date with Grandma and Grandpa (who live 2500kms away). And whenever we Skype with Grandma and Grandpa, we must show them things.

Show them ALL of the things.

Including our improved drawing skills.

And, as per usual, this is the part of my own story that gets fuzzy or is entirely missing. Bed time routines are very momma hands on so I don't get the opportunity to document much. I wonder if my camera does time lapse photos.... I should look into that.

Anyhow, this handsome, amazing man and I capped off our day with our first bonfire of the season. In a yard that's still half snow covered and smells like a swamp.... but hey, who doesn't love a good bonfire after a beautiful day.

Thank you, yet again for sharing in my day with me friends. I hope you enjoyed and I hope that I'm helping to convince you that there is beauty to be found in every single day. You just have to take the time to see it.

Head on over to Alaina Nunez's beautiful blog and follow her along in a typical Friday in her life!

Remember friends, real is the new perfect and our lives are wonderful in their chaos. 

Cheers friends!



Beautiful day and captured so expertly!

Thank you for sharing. I have been meaning to do a DITL here but haven't yet and we are now 04/04 - when did April happen!?!

You have spurred me on to charge the battery up and go for it.
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