Dear Talia │ A Winnipeg Birth Story │ aliciaTphoto

January 11, 2018  •  4 Comments

The Winnipeg Women's Hospital Birth of Talia

Dear Talia,

I have known your mom for a while now. Going on about 4 or 5 years. She and I met when I would pick up pictures from the photo lab in Costco. I ordered and picked up prints so often that I eventually got a job there and she and I worked together until my littlest kiddo was a year and a half old.

We worked together during my pregnancy with my second baby and I remember chatting with her about it often. She would feel my belly when my baby was moving and we talked about all things birth and baby and parenthood. I remember, even then, how interested in it all she was. She wanted to know everything and I could tell that some day she wanted to be a mom.

Well, fast forward a couple of years and there I was, back at Costco picking up pictures and your momma, beaming from ear to ear, ran around the counter to hug me and whispered the sweetest secret in my ear... that you were on your way! It was very hard for me to contain my excitement in that moment. Oh sweet Talia, I wish you could hear that whisper from your mom. I could already feel her immense love for you.

Your parents had planned on meeting you for the first time at the Birth Center here in Winnipeg but as with life, sometimes things don't go according to plan. You were very cozy in your mama's belly and came very close to being served a formal eviction notice. I was very relieved to hear that her waters had broken on their own and that, likely sooner than later, we would be meeting you. But you decided to remain warm and cozy in your momma's tummy and had no want of coming out. She laboured beautifully, with your daddy by her side attending her every need, for a long time. She is one of the strongest women I know and she worked so very hard to bring you earthside.

After many, many hours and a little bit of help, we finally got to see your beautiful and perfect face... I will let your pictures tell the rest;

Sweet, sweet Talia. I hope you can look back at your birth story and see how incredible and strong your Momma is, and how much your Daddy loves you both. I know that you are going to be just as strong and caring as your parents are. I am honoured I get to be part of your story and I am excited to watch you grow.

Welcome earthside beautiful girl. The world can be a pretty awesome place, and it's even better now that you're here!

With love,

Your birth photographer

**If you are interested in having your birth story documented, please don't hesitate to connect with me! I have a limited number of slots left for 2018 so get in touch soon to see if your date is still available!


Gah these are so beautiful!! I wish I had hired a birth photographer!
Nikki Gould(non-registered)
Oh my... tears! These are so beautiful and what a wonderful story leading up to it! Beautifully done, Alicia!
Alicia!!! This is so beautiful! I can't wait to document my first birth of 2018 now!!
Oh my these are great images! That last image just pulls my heart strings so sweet
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