Thwaites Family Adventures │ 365 - January │ Winnipeg Family Photographer

February 02, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Winnipeg Family Photographer

Personal 365 project, attempt #4.

I've yet to complete a 365. I've attempted 3 others in 2011, 2013 & 2017. I generally fall off the wagon somewhere around August/September as those are my busiest months with client work and personal work will tend to fall by the wayside.... But I know that the years I attempt them are always incredible growth years for me as an artist, and I'm always grateful for the visual legacy I have at the end of the year.

If you're unsure what a 365 project is, it's making a commitment to take one picture per day for an entire year. 

So friends, here is a peek into our January!

The above photo was taken by my dad. I had my camera with me and I took many photos as this was my big kids very first TaeKwonDo promotion ceremony. He earned himself his yellow strip and I'm so proud. I put the camera down to celebrate with him and I'm grateful my dad caught this for us. I'm so rarely in the frame that this is extra precious to me and hands down trumps any picture I made this day.

  Even if you're not a photographer, I highly recommend doing one of these projects for yourself. You can even do it with your phone... (you may notice that there are only 28 photos here.... that's because 3 of my 31 were taken with my phone, and I'm ok with that!)

Cheers friends!


PS- I've got 2 more spots for birth stories this spring so fire me a message or spread the word to anyone looking! There might even be a little bonus in it for them!



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