2020 │ Year End Wrap Up │ Thank goodness it's over │ Winnipeg Family Photographer2020 │ 1 Star │ Would Not RecommendWinnipeg Family Photographer │ Farewell 2020Well, I don't know about you, but I'm over 2020. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss my clients. To those precious few clients I did see this year, THANK YOU. I'm so grateful that amid the chaos that has been this past year, we managed to sneak in some time together safely when the restrictions allowed. Those sweet moments and connections will stay with me always as a major highlight from what was a really hard year for my little business.
Also, while being laid off from my day job was a big blow, especially since I had just returned to the workforce full time last November, I'm going to choose to view 2020 as the year the universe gifted me a bonus summer of (close to home) adventures with my kids that I would not otherwise have had. We sailed. We rented a cabin with my sister and her family once restrictions lifted. We floated down the Pinawa river. We explored. We played in our own back yard, and even managed one popsicle shot when Covid numbers allowed us to briefly increase our bubbles. I hope you enjoy this little highlight reel of our adventures.
Our yearly trip to Barrier Bay Resort in the Whiteshell. Pre-Covid this year.
A few days after we got home, my parents were scheduled to go to Mexico for their yearly 2 week vacation. There were still low rumblings about Covid leading up to their trip, but at that point there were no reported cases in Mexico, so off they went... Only to have the Canadian Government declare that all Canadians abroad should return home that very morning.... but that announcement didn't come through the tubes until their flight was already in the air headed to Mexico. Once they landed, my sister and I told them what was going on, and they made the decision to try to enjoy at least a little bit of their vacation.... after about 5 days of closely watching the goings on, we told them to get home now. They managed to rebook on an earlier flight ( 8 days before they were supposed) and made it home safely to a house full of groceries, ready for the mandatory 14 day quarantine. And then it was time for spring break.... that was extended by two weeks... then a month.... then basically until the end of the school year. I'm sad that Q was all but robbed of kindergarten. I'm sad that both my kids missed out on so much with their schools. I discovered that being a teacher is NOT my forte. But it will be a year they will remember. It will forever be the year of zoom chats with school friends, of drive by birthday parades and of realizing just how much we value the people in our lives.
I leave you with one last tid bit from 2020.... At the beginning of the pandemic, Insight Productions hosted the largest multi-network televised benefit show in Canadian history. And they chose little old me to contribute some photos for the opening song. So, in the words of Sam Roberts:
Stay safe, spread kindness, and CHEERS to putting 2020 in the rearview. Cheers to more hugs. Cheers to being able to gather with friends and family, hopefully sooner than later. I miss you all, and send you love, health and happiness. -Alicia
Winnipeg Documentary Photographer,
Winnipeg Family Photographer,
Winnipeg Family Photojournalist,
Winnipeg Lifestyle Photographer,
Winnipeg Photographer
Miss you Alicia! As always amazing pictures I love how your families personalities jump right out from the images. You are truly gifted friend! I hope 2021 is a better year business wise, you are a star <3 much love
I love this! Such a beautiful blog. I love you my dear sister and miss you guys so much ❤️
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