Until We Meet Again │ the end.... for now │ aliciaTphoto closingUntil we meet again...the end of this chapter for aliciaTphotoEven as I begin to write this, the tears start to flow, and I type through foggy tear-blurred vision.
Soon, this chapter will close. I'm writing this to you all to give you one last chance to log in and download any photos I may have taken for you in the past 7 years, and also let you know that I am waiving the gallery revival fee for the next 2 weeks before I shut this site down for good. In the wake of Covid 19 and the emotional roller coaster that the pandemic was for everyone, and the sudden, traumatic and life altering loss of my father, my heart is no longer cut out for it. I don't have it in me anymore. At least, not right now. I think the thing that hurts the most about saying goodbye to this chapter of my life is that my Dad was always my harshest critic.... and my biggest cheerleader and loudest supporter. He is the one who introduced me to photography at the ripe old age of 5. He always supported me and always pushed me to pursue this as a career. And he would be the one who would be most disappointed to know that I can't right now.
THANK YOUThank you for choosing me, over and over again. Thank you for trusting me with your memories for the past 15 years. All the bands and weddings and births and birthdays and big milestones and little in-between moments that make life real and raw and messy and perfect. For so many of you, I feel like I have grown with your families. I will be forever grateful that you chose me to be part of the stories that make your life truly and uniquely and beautifully your own. I will continue to carry those moments with me in a heart filled with gratitude.
If you need your gallery reset, please send me an email no later than Friday February 24th, 2023. This website, and all the galleries contained within will be taken off-line permanently as of March 4th, 2023. After this date, there will be no further opportunities to access your galleries or my archives. With that said.... onward. To the next chapter. This is not the end of me behind a camera. At least I don't think so. I just need time, and some space to reconnect with it in a way that means something different while I try to navigate this altered universe I find myself unwillingly existing in. Maybe someday aliciaTphoto will return in some capacity. Maybe not. Maybe something new will emerge later on, like a caterpillar from its chrysalis... Time will tell. For now, my Facebook and Instagram accounts will remain online, though I haven't posted to them since 2021, and I can't promise they won't remain quiet. Either way, if you do need or want to connect with me after this site and email are shut down, you will be able to do so there, just keep in mind I no longer check them often.
So, my friends... until we meet again, Cheers. Sincerely and with much gratitude, Alicia
Winnipeg Documentary Photographer,
Winnipeg Family Photographer,
Winnipeg Lifestyle Photographer,
Winnipeg Photographer,
Winnipeg Storytelling Photographer
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